A member asked:

Trouble emptying bladder, discomfort and pressure in pelvic region, intermittent back pain. intermittent gi discomfort. tenderness lower right of belly button. i have a fibroid. is that it or something else?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

Fibroids are not a likely cause of these symptoms. You need to be checked for urinary tract infection and various infections or inflammation inside your lower abdomen. There are several possible causes -- all require prompt medical attention. See your doctor soon. Good luck.

Answered 9/16/2023



If the fibroid is very large- it could be. But usually they are not so it could be something else. Pl get checked by your Gyn. good luck

Answered 9/16/2023



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