A member asked:

My urine smells like pee that has been sitting somewhere for a few days , like old stale pee. this has happened before for almost a year 5 years ago and for 4months a lot 1 year ago. no pain no change in diet and i drink a lot of water?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

Strong urine odor usually is just the result of foods eaten and fluid intake (more concentrated urine smells stronger). Maybe that’s all this is. OTOH, this particular smell could indicate a urinary tract infection. Also are you sure the odor is your urine and not a vaginal odor? If vaginal, get checked for bacterial vaginosis — which also should include STD testing if you’re at risk. Good luck.

Answered 8/13/2023



Some foods like garlic, asparagus, onion etc can impart strong smell to urine- also certain vaginal and urinary infections. Suggest see a Urologist. Hope you come out smelling like roses!

Answered 8/13/2023



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