A member asked:

What is the next for scabies when ivermectin, permethrin, sulfur lotion, benzyl benzoate don't work? 8 years now. bugs still create tunnels. borax, water & peroxide solution helps to sleep. i use sanding sponge in bath to sand tunnels like dirt?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Dora Chizea answered

Specializes in Anti-Aging Medicine

8 years is a long time to have scabies. Best to see a certified Dermatologist & have a new Baseline Assessment of the rash/lesions on the skin. Then follow the instructions as completely as possible including washing &decontaminating - clothing, beddings, towels, scarfs, hats, shoes and all potential hiding places for mites & bugs. Also have Family/Friends/Personal contact intimates cleanse simila

Answered 7/18/2023



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