A member asked:

I'm worried. can pearly penile papules appear and grow in 1 week? i just noticed small bumps distributed around my penis gland and white heads on the frenulum. is that hpv? i really want to send pictures but i can't?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

These papules can be very difficult to diagnose from a picture so you really need to see a doctor in person so that your rash can be examined. Once examined, a diagnosis can be made and then the appropriate treatment rendered. So, see your doctor for an in-person evaluation. Good luck!

Answered 7/4/2023



HPV lesions do not look like penile papules but like stunted mushrooms and are generally flesh colored.Best is to get checked by a Urologist. Pictures are not a part of this forum

Answered 7/4/2023



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