A member asked:

I feel as though my stomach had gas in it but i am burping a bit and it won't go away. i feel the tension most when i fully inhale under my left rib i am guessing this is where the stomach is. i am one day in, after how many should i go to doctor?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

If it doesn’t go away after a couple of days, you should call your doctor. Have you tried exercising? This can sometimes move gas along and help it to go away. But, if it is not going away after a couple of days, you need to be sure it is gas and not something else. There are also over the counter remedies so you can ask a pharmacist for some suggestions on treatment options. Good luck!

Answered 6/20/2023


Dr. Andrew Seibert answered

Specializes in Gastroenterology

It is not clear whether the symptoms that you are describing are due to actual gas in the stomach or not. Because you are burping frequently, I would recommend that you try over the counter antacids such as Mylanta or Tums Initially, to see if they help. If you are not starting to see some relief within a few days, contact your doctor. Good luck.

Answered 6/21/2023



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