A member asked:

I have ptsd and anxiety and i need ada paperwork filled out for accommodations to be away from work during episodes. i see a therapist but my job wants a actual physician to fill out. can health tap assist with filling out paperwork?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Silviu Pasniciuc answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Not on the free HealthTap platform. You will need to establish with a primary care doc (option available on the paid HealthTap platform) and make available (transfer) previous records for review. The easiest way will be through the current office that is managing your conditions as access to current records will be critical.

Answered 4/29/2023



You have reached a public medical education site, where general questions are answered, but here we do not diagnose, treat, prescribe, manage, or do routine care tasks. Our superlative primary care physicians can likely help you and a virtual consult could be of great value. (www.connect@healthtap.com)

Answered 4/29/2023



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