A member asked:

Ultra sound says peak velocity involving the right common carotid artery is equal to 82cm/sec says mild atherosclerosis 41 male is this normal ?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Hiep Le answered

Specializes in Nephrology and Dialysis

It is NOT normal but it is not uncommon at all for Americans at your age. So if you have modifiable risk factors for atherosclerotic vascular disease such as smoking, hypertension and hyperlipidemia, you need to tackle them for delaying the progression. Good luck.

Answered 4/20/2023


Dr. Clarence Grim answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

Athersclersclerosis is never normal. It is not a part of being human unless you fail to feed/exercise your genes. Lok at you family tree for how often and age its occurs and consider changing how you feed/exercise you roots.

Answered 4/20/2023



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