A member asked:

How is hsv1 transferred to the eye? can you touch your mouth without sores and spread from your saliva to your finger, then to your eye? how long does it last on your saliva on skin? trying to find out if i have hsv1 on the eye, no pain, itchy bumps?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

HSV can infect your eye only by finger transfer of virus from your genitals to your eye by direct contact (auto-inoculation). As discussed in several other questions and replies, it exceedingly unlikely you have herpes of the eye. But you'll never know for sure from this or any other online forum. Auto-inoculation is very rare in longstanding herpes, only occurs during the initial infection.

Answered 4/7/2023



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