A member asked:

Frequent urge to urinate and feeling vibrations inside lower abdomen when i lay on the right or left side. doesnt burn and i dont have pain when i pee but i wake up to pee a lot of times during the night?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Frequent urination can be due to drinking too many fluids, consuming alcohol, caffeine, artificial sweeteners, foods containing citrus fruits and tomatoes. Other reasons can be infections and specific bladder conditions for which you will need to see your gynecologist. Make sure that you are not pregnant and blood sugar is normal as pregnancy and diabetes can cause frequent urination.

Answered 3/31/2023



There can be many reasons for that e.g. mild infection, Diabetes,etc. To start with get your urine examined and see your doc

Answered 3/31/2023



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