A member asked:

Hey i sm 18years old and for about half year i have high bpm,chest pain, i am breathless when doin sports or simply walking faster. ekg was good, stress ekg on bicycle was good too. echo of heart was good too. can u please help me. thank you so much?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

It sounds like your heart is not the cause of your symptoms. You should probably see a lung doctor to see if your symptoms are related to your lungs as the next step. You will likely need testing to see if your respiratory system is the etiology of your symptoms. So, see a pulmonary doctor. Good luck!

Answered 2/14/2023



I agree with Dr. F's advice about consulting a pulmonologist in view of no cardiac pathology but symptoms of chest pain & shortness of breath with exertion. I've seen a couple of cases of multiple pulmonary emboli present like this in young males.

Answered 2/14/2023



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