A member asked:

My 2 month old dropped in both head circumference and weight percentiles at 9 week appointment. hc went from 38th to 13th and weight from 58th to 34th. is this a sign of impaired growth or just leveling out?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Failure to remain on a consistent growth patter suggests either a nutritional problem or a medical one. If this decline persists through the next check-up, I would want to do some testing. Please review this with his doc.

Answered 2/10/2023


Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

Please discuss his newborn screening tests. Rule out hypothyroidism and review caloric intake. In two weeks, repeat measurements.If nursing is not providing adequate calories, a supplemental formula may be helpful.

Answered 2/11/2023



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