Have NO clue what your doctor is thinking, but do think this is a good idea for the next step. Discuss what specific tests are being ordered and what the diagnostic thoughts are.
Answered 1/23/2023
This is partly a duplicate question; see other reply. The main tests done on spinal fluid are for inflammation or infection, like white blood cell types and number, protein and glucose levels, and sometimes tests for particular infections (culture for bacteria, various viruses, syphilis if at risk, and others). Clarify with your doctor exactly what conditions are on her mind. Good luck.
Answered 1/25/2023
For the listed symptoms a thorough Basic Work Up like- Labs to check for Diabetes and other Endocrine/Hormonal issues. What about Nutrition - Malnutrition/Poor Nutrition with Vitamin and Minerals Deficiency Syndromes? A good Comprehensive analysis when done can reveal much correctable underlying causes of these symptoms.
Answered 1/30/2023
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