A member asked:

Both my grandfathers had a full set of hair, my dad and his brother have hair in their 50s. one maternal uncle has hair but shares a different dad than my mom. lastly, my other maternal uncle who shares the same dad is bald at 50. will i be bald?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Clarence Grim answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

Need more detailed family tree and women's hair loss issue as well. Go to uptodate.com and subscribe. And always check that you father is you genetic father/ and mother. But I would worry about other things. My brother was bald In his 20s and still at 83. I am not. I have done research with the drug Minoxidil for severe high BP. It grows hair everywhere. So all is not lost. Women do not like it.

Answered 1/6/2023



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