A member asked:

I have tiny bumps on the inside of my lip, by the corner, not red but white & a little tingly. theyve been there a week but havent grown or blistered. theyre not painful, and you can barely see them unless i open my mouth. hsv? i have hsv2 genital?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

These symptoms are not oral herpes, which almost always is outside the mouth, not inside the lips. If you have typical HSV2 genital herpes outbreaks, you would recognize oral herpes as similar: red bump to blister to pimple to open sore to scab to healing, total 7-14 days. (If your HSV2 is not like this, perhaps that diagnosis should be confirmed. Blood tests alone often are wrong.)

Answered 1/2/2023



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