A member asked:

Hi, i am having a problem with oversleeping and sleeplessness from 4years..

7 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. James Donley answered

Specializes in Dentistry

See doctor: You describe several signs of sleep apnea. You need to talk to a doctor who can have a sleep study performed. Sleep apnea can lead to a host of medical conditions all of which can shorten your life. Sleep apnea can be treated by a cpap, surgery, an oral appliance by a dentist trained in dental sleep medicine or any combination or the three options.

Answered 6/23/2014


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Sleep problems since: Age 4? A medical evaluation is important. Insure that you use excellent sleep hygiene, 1. Keep a regular bedtime & wakening time (to include weekends). Get up the same time each day, regardless of what time you fell asleep. 2. Make a regular, relaxing bedtime routine. Relaxing rituals prior to bedtime may include a warm bath or shower, aromatherapy, reading, or listening to gentle music. 3. Sleep.

Answered 2/22/2016



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