A member asked:

27m, 56 150lbs, svt, high bp and bpm while resting, warm spots in legs and groin, shortness of breath, passing out, cant lay down, loss of appetite, anxiety. cant afford treatment or meds, no job or insurance, what can i do?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Theodore Davantzis answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Contact your local county department of social services to determine if you are eligible for public assistance. You need to be evaluated by a physician to determine what ails you. This is not a DIY project.

Answered 11/5/2022


Dr. Clarence Grim answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

You might have heart failure from HBP. Get DASH Diet for Hypertension ISBN 9780743410076 Also get app Cronometer to track what u eat and your exercise. Set calories using book to get to weight you want. Get book and do Chap 9 EXACTLY. You will likely have a better BP in one week and other things may get better as well. If not spend some money and see a Dr. I may save your like. You can do it.

Answered 11/5/2022



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