A member asked:

I have had excruciating lower back pain for around 7 years. i had an mri which showed mild scoliosis and moderate facet joint hypertrophy. i was dismissed nothing wrong. i have just had a second mri. says reduction of lumbar lordosis. any advice?

4 doctors weighed in across 4 answers

A conservative idea is, do you have a limb length difference or pelvic rotation or both. This can cause the worsening of scoliosis or help cause it.

Answered 9/5/2022



I have been impressed with the severity of back pain facet joint changes can cause in some patients. Some of the discomfort can be from muscular pain due to inadequate low back structure. You may find it worthwhile to be evaluated & advised at a spine clinic.

Answered 9/5/2022



You do not describe any anatomy substantiating the need for any surgery, but you do appear to have some facet joint degeneration. Would also wonder about the status of your sacroiliac joints, and any provocative structural asymmetries in your lower extremities. Recommend a visit to a physiatrist. Suspect physical therapy would help.

Answered 9/5/2022


Dr. Bernard Seif answered

Specializes in Clinical Psychology

Please continue to be followed by your doctor. Also look into the work of John Sarno, MD. It's not all in your head but pain goes through the brain and there are ways of managing that once you know the cause. Peace and good health.

Answered 9/5/2022



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