A member asked:

Good morning doctors. eye question please. i have a posterior vitreous detachment. my eye dr. wants to see me in a month. i am scheduled to be out of the usa for 2 weeks. is it safe to go? can the pvd develop worsen into a retinal detachment?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Susan Rhoads answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

This is definitely a question to ask your eye doctor. He/she will tell you if it is safe for you to travel. If it were me, I would not like to be away from the doctor I trust if he/she does not tell me it is safe to do. If it is safe, ask him/her what you should watch out for that might require you to be seen urgently while away.

Answered 4/24/2022



A vitreous detachment is not uncommon as we age, and may actually decrease the chance of a retinal detachment according to ophthalmologists at my local medical school. However, just ask your eye specialist who knows you best.

Answered 4/24/2022



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