A member asked:

What does it mean if you are told that you have decreased left ventricular size post stress and increased global systolic function with an estimated ef of >75% with your heart? these are results from a echo stress test?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Consult a cardiologist for guidance, but an ejection fraction of "greater than 75%" for left ventricular function is normal, and may reflect thickened left ventricular walls secondary to increased cardiac activity with exercise over time.

Answered 4/20/2022



It is felt that good exercise function demonstrates larger left ventricular volume after exercise during a stress test and smaller volume signifies weaker function. The abnormally high LV ejection fraction during the stress tests suggests left ventricular pathology. My impression is left ventricular dysfunction with preserved or abnormally high LV EF raising question of cardiomyopathy. See cardio

Answered 4/21/2022



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