There may be detectable amounts and this may be determined by testing once the baby is born. This is important information to share with your OB specialist and Pediatrician. Withdrawal symptoms include hypoglycemia and jitteriness and the Pediatrician will examine the baby and assess these and other signs/symptoms. Avoid secondhand smoke exposure and please follow up with your OB specialist.
Answered 4/3/2022
Drug exposure testing is not routine with newborns, but if I have reason to look I can fine evidence of any exposure after the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. If you don't expose baby again and don't draw the attention of the delivery team there is unlikely to be a problem. If you end up on aa Family Services watch list, the staff may be required to test.
Answered 4/1/2022
If tested for in the baby's meconium, the drug could be detectable. Refrain from taking any street drugs. Wish you good health and a healthy baby!
Answered 4/1/2022
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