This is more likely to represent a mild asthma event, but some viral lower respiratory infections will trigger this response. Some of these will run little or no fever. The need for medical attention or treatment depends on how comfortable the kid is. Running around playing, not so much, staying quietly in one place & working to breathe= go see the doc.
Answered 4/3/2022
The audible wheezing and airway sounds may be related to bronchospasm or narrowing of the airways. If there is a family history of allergies/asthma, eczema or history of prior allergic reaction, please test for allergic responses. It is possible that the symptoms were triggered by an allergen. Avoidance of smoke, allergens such as dust, mold and animal dander is advised. Virtual HT appt avail.
Answered 4/3/2022
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3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
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