A member asked:

I tested positive for omicron 3 weeks ago,i got treated &this week resumed my daily work activities.i suffer shortness of breath when i speed walk or going up the stairs.i worked out 3 hours for 5 days per week for 2 years &have high fitness level?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Weakness following Covid is not usual and most people gradually recover from the issue. Keep up with your daily activities. If your weakness gets worse, then see a doctor. Get vaccinated. Wish you good health!

Answered 2/9/2022


Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

Post COVID, there may be respiratory and cardiac difficulties. The symptoms may include shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue and cough. A chest image and pulmonary function testing, including DLCO and pulse oximetry are recommended if not improved or worsening. More details regarding any other symptoms and whether this occurs at rest would be helpful. Post COVID rest and stay well hydrated.

Answered 2/9/2022



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