A member asked:

I am feeling headche from last two days. i have blurred and distorted vision. i can not see computer screen very clearly. there is its continue headche add uneasy feeling. it happened to me earlier also that all of sudden any advise ?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

This may be migraine but I'm concerned about the persistence of headache and visual difficulty. I recommend consulting a neurologist for evaluation, testing & advice. You may be referred to an ophthalmologist if deemed advisable especially if temporal arteritis is suspected.

Answered 12/11/2021



Pls consult an eye doctor for refraction and full dilated eye exam. It could be you have presbyopia to see close up. Low power Reading glasses may help. If you get headache with computer it could be your accommodating muscle are being strained.

Answered 12/12/2021



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