Florida is quite humid so I do not think low humidity is the culprit. If you are overweight, sleep apnea can be the cause. The other etiologies could be sinusitis with post nasal drainage or reflux. However, I still think you need to see a doctor for checking your throat first for ruling out the obvious cause (make a deal with front office for paying cash, just request a quick throat exam).
Answered 10/13/2021
Hello. Since your sore throat has been present for sometime, it needs to be examined. Call your ENT doctor for the exam. A quick throat exam by your family doctor probably won’t be enough to accurately diagnose your issues. A CT scan is another option however you’ll need an order for this study. Call ahead, tell you are cash pay and ask for a payment plan. ENT can scope your throat too if needed.
Answered 10/29/2021
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