A member asked:

My doctor said i can cold turkey the propranolol 80mg er i've been on for months. this advice goes against what i've heard about beta blocker tapering. is a taper necessary for anxiety?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Clarence Grim answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

In general I recommend tapering. But May his experience is different in people like you. Discuss with him. My motto is start low and go slow. Applies to tapering as well. Depending on med. Discuss.

Answered 10/7/2021



Depends on what you were on propranolol for. Generally, it is advised that you taper the dose gradually, particularly if it was given for hypertension or an arrhythmia. Please discuss this with your primary doctor and your concern regarding abrupt discontinuation of propranolol. Good luck.

Answered 10/7/2021



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