A member asked:

U. right+occasional u. left ab pressure. often moves to r. flank and r. back. dull. close to or under ribs. appetite loss. bowel changes. 2 months. dreading chr. pancreatitis. can gallstones cause chr p. symptoms (as opposed to acute)?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Karna Gendo answered

Specializes in Allergy and Immunology

Gallstones are a much less common cause for chr. pancreatitis. Alcohol/tobacco and "idiopathic" (when a thorough evaluation fails to identify risk factors) are more common causes. Your doctor can help sort this with a history, exam, blood and urine labs, imaging and possible referral. Chr. pancreatitis is not as common compared to other causes so your symptoms are very treatable after an eval.

Answered 9/26/2021



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