A member asked:

What is a fixed anteroapical defect?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Jules Pean answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

During a nuclear stress test we proceed to obtain pictures of the heart before and after exercise. If a defect is present at rest and post exercise we call it a fixed defect.meaning a scar or site of a previous heart attack

Answered 6/25/2021


Dr. Elden Rand answered

Specializes in Cardiology

During cardiac nuclear stress test, 2 sets of images are acquired; the rest images and the stress images. A narrowing ‘blockage” is normal at rest, and is present at stress, so that is a “reversible” defect. An old heart attack leaves scar tissue, so this looks the same with rest and with stress, so is called a “fixed” defect. ‘Anteroapical” is the location. Sometimes artifact could be the cause.

Answered 6/30/2021



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