A member asked:

How can a hip replacement get infected months or years after the surgery? how do you know it is infected? does flossing and using a waterpik increase the chances of infection?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Hiep Le answered

Specializes in Nephrology and Dialysis

Yes, it can happen a couple months after the surgery. Furthermore, the bacteria can be seeding to the artificial joint when you have a mild infection with transient bacteremia (bacteria in your blood). Infection if the hip (septic arthritis) will cause fever, joint pain, redness, swelling and deformity. Flossing or using Waterpik very less likely cause transient bacteremia.

Answered 5/4/2021


Dr. Theodore Davantzis answered

Specializes in Dentistry

The premises is that the hip replacement has scar tissue surrounding it with decreased blood flow. Bacteria introduced into the bloodstream could work their way to this scar tissue and become entrapped, causing an infection. I am unaware of studies showing increased risks with flossing or using a waterpik on healthy gingiva. Bloody, inflamed gingival should be professionally treated.

Answered 5/8/2021



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