A member asked:

Hi! when i shave (only legs & under arm) i get terribly itchy. may be razor bumps. i scratch so much i rub my skin raw. would waxing the areas relieve the itchiness a bit? if not how can i stop this? i cannot let this get in the way of my hygiene?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

As you can imagine a rash needs to be seen. here are several different types of rashes. You can try a telemedicine visit but it is best to see a dermatologist in person

Answered 4/5/2021



Shaving your legs, armpits or any other area is not necessary for proper hygiene. Given the trouble you are having with shaving you may consider altering your attire to obviate the need to shave. If you must remove the hair consider getting permanent removal with laser treatment. Wish you good health!

Answered 4/6/2021



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