A member asked:

Good morning my partner and i both need to take a covid test on monday the 15th march for travel purposes. do we need a doctors letter to get the test done ?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Likely do. This public information site is based in the USA as are most of the volunteer docs. Past discussions suggest your country has an online site that directs you to your local doc to attain referral documents. This site does not provide scripts/notes/referral documents or other forms of direct patient care.

Answered 3/8/2021


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

HealthTap's free, public site is for education. We are not able to provide referrals on this portion of HealthTap. In South Africa a medical provider will determine need for COVID 19 testing.

Answered 3/11/2021



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