A member asked:

Can you take miralax, a stool softener and a diuretic? my boyfriend was released from the hospital with a uti and improving constipation. he is on ciprofloxocin for infection and has a great deal of bloating in his belly. would a diuretic help this?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Bloating: A diuretic is not helpful for bloating. We need to clarify that bloating is a sensation of fullness, usually gas in the abdomen, specifically stomach and intestine. This may be due to the change in bacteria with antibiotics. Simethicone (Gas X) is available over the counter for immediate relief. If the bloating is lasting several days, consider taking probiotics for 4 weeks.

Answered 2/18/2021


Dr. Silviu Pasniciuc answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Not necessarily: A diuretic may not help with all causes for bloating and better understanding the reason for the bloating would be required first. In general a diuretic can be used along with a laxative in appropriate clinical settings.

Answered 2/19/2021



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