A member asked:

Can lexapro cause fatigue/weakness, almost like you are sick with the flu (without the fever, or other symptoms) at first?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Side effects: Yes, those can be side effects of lexapro initially. If you are not doing so, take it at night so you get the largest impact from side effects qqqhen you are asleep. This may help reduce the impact of the fatigue. Side effects should wear off relatively quickly...certainly within 2weeks. If they are not better at that point discuss this with your doctor.

Answered 12/3/2020



MEDICATION: Best to discuss medication with your Psychiatrist. If uncomfortable with your Dr. consult another for a second opinion. Have a physical exam by a Dr. to determine if you have a physical illness. Consult with a Clinical Psychologist for psychotherapy with ZOOM sessions. Symptoms could be heightened due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Stay safe & hopeful to elevate your immune system.

Answered 12/14/2020



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