A member asked:

Suddenly my left side of throat sore and difficult to swallow. i don't have fever though. i suspect that i got tonsillitis. what suddenly it happens to me, doctor? and if it is tonsillitis, does gurgling salt water effective?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Sore throat: For significant sore throat with swollen tonsils / lymph nodes – see physician & get a strep throat test/ culture. If you have Strep Throat, antibiotic therapy is imperative to prevent future complications. Consider Tylenol or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications. Saltwater gargles: Mix 1 tsp salt in 8 oz warm water – gargle several times a day. Can gargle with Aloe Vera juice twice a day.

Answered 9/12/2020



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