A member asked:

Hello, i have had my left eye watering constantly for perhaps a week now, and wiping away tears/discharge has now irritated the skin around my eye. also, it has been painful to press on the inside corner of my eye for quite a few weeks, and i am unsure if this is related. i thought this could be allergies as my head does feel stuffy intermittently, but my new red eye socket (not the eye itself) has motivated me to ask. thanks, logan left eye watering?

A doctor has provided 1 answer

You have an obstructed and possibly infected tear drainage system (dacryocystitis). The tears drain via tiny openings at the inside corner of each lid into a sac under the skin at the inside corner and then into the nasal cavity. You might feel a nodule when you press the inside corner. This has to be treated often with oral antibiotics along with eye drops, and sometimes a minor procedure.

Answered 8/22/2022



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