A member asked:

Do i have gerd? symptoms are frequent burping, flatulence, phlegmy throat, mild nasal congestion and rumbly stomach. i had heartburn about a week ago but none since then. mild tightness in my chest but it is relieved when i burp. treatments?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

GERD,LPR,esophageal: You still may have GERD as well as laryngopharangeal retlux, esophageal motility disorder,post nasal drip. I recommend trying antireflux meds like omeprazole,famotidine,carafate. Avoid spicy,greasy,gassy foods,aspirin,ibuprofen,naproxen,caffeine,alcohol,nicotine,large meals. Take simetiicone 1/2 hr after meals to reduce gas. If not improved, consult a gastroenterologist and, possibly an ENT

Answered 8/28/2020



You may : Hi. Your symptoms may be caused by GERD , but my advice is seek for medical care.

Answered 8/28/2020



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