A member asked:

How can i sanitise frequently touched surfaces? i have been using dettol antiseptic , 4 tea spoons in 300ml water . it carries absolute alcohol . i spray it on the knobs of my house and all metallic things . is it effective against covid 19 ?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Hand sanitizer?: Are you using hand sanitizer to kill virus on surfaces? From what I have read Dettol antispectic sanitizer is 62 % ethanol alcohol. However it sound like you are markedly diluting the concentration. Have you considered using a product made to clean surfaces that contains 70 percent isopropyl alcohol ? Not all cleaning products kill COVID 19 - I am uncertain if what you are doing is effective.

Answered 7/25/2020



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