A member asked:

Tiny 1-2mm itchy red bumps have spread across my entire body since this morning and i would love to know if there is anything i can do to treat this. i haven't introduced anything new and been working from home all day, so can't pinpoint the source of this reaction. i've never experienced anything like this before. i have had bug bites on my ankles that are about 2 weeks old and were going away, but today have hardened and have clear puss. not sure if it's correlated. thanks allergic reaction?

A doctor has provided 1 answer

Bug bites again?: The description of hard little nodules with clear puss do not suggest an allergic reaction since most allergies are hives (urticaria) or a localized contact dermatitis (like poison ivy). The description makes me think about chigger bites or other insect bites. This tend to happened if you have been outdoors or with pets. Treat with vigorous washing, 1% hydrocortisone creams and Benadryl

Answered 7/7/2020



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