A member asked:

Should we go on our golf trip scheduled for 13th may, or should we postpone it due to covid-19? there are 16 of us and our plan is to play golf on the south coast for 4 days. we are men with an average age of about 60

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Susan Stone answered

Specializes in Palliative Care

Postpone!: While we are seeing the curve bend in certain areas of the world it is likely we have a couple months to go to start living our new normal. The high risk people have been mentioned as over 65 yo with chronic conditions but we are seeing plenty of younger adults quite ill. Postpone your trip for now.

Answered 5/15/2020


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Don't recommend: The pleasure of golfing with a group of older men should be balanced with the risks of getting COVID 19.

Answered 5/15/2020



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