A member asked:

Can you please tell me about glaucoma and is it real serious?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Yes.: Glaucoma is progressive optic nerve damage that usually occurs because of high eye pressures. The optic nerves send the images from your eyes to your brain, and if left untreated, will lead to blindness. Fortunately, there are many treatment options available, and most of the time, it can be controlled.

Answered 4/17/2013



Is glaucoma serious?: Yes, if undiagnosed or untreated, it can lead to severe vision loss or even blindness. It is estimated that 1/2 of all patients with glaucoma are undiagnosed because they are not getting proper regular screenings. Only 2/3 of glaucoma patients have elevated eye pressure, so 1/3 of glaucoma patients are missed if the doctor is only checking pressure. Proper exam / test / treat prevents damage.

Answered 4/18/2016



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