A member asked:

I have lots of nasal congestion, headache, a cough, sore throat, but no fever. it just hit me one morning when i woke up. ?

A doctor has provided 1 answer

Conservative therapy: Force fluids x 8-10 glasses/day of electrolyte rich fluids (Powerade, Gatorade, Vitamin Water, G) and 4-6 bowls/day of broth spray, followed by nasal saline spray, warm water gargles or neti pot. Carefully monitor temperature every 4-6 hrs., bullion, consume or soup. Hot steam showers 3-4 times/day. Nasal saline, Tylenol as needed, Robitussin DM or Mucinex DM as needed. Zinc lozenges and/dark hone

Answered 9/7/2019



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