Wouldn't think so: Strep throat is a localized issue. Sometimes various strains are known to trigger abdominal pain and rash, but chest pain is likely due to something else. Sore throats due to a variety of viruses often have multi-system symptoms that may include chest pain.
Answered 2/26/2019
Rare but yes: In the United States rarely happens but inadequate treated Strept throat can lead to Rheumatic fever that can cause chest pain.Make sure to get seen by a Physician.
Answered 2/23/2019
Need to examine: What you think is strep throat may be flu. The two can be differentiated by an on-the-spot DNA test. If your symptoms have persisted more than a couple of days, it would be prudent to see a doctor.
Answered 2/22/2019
Pneumonia: Strep A may cause pneumonia and chest pain. Pleuritis also may cause chest pain. I agree that you also may have another infection.
Answered 2/26/2019
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