A member asked:

Newborn week old. ate deli meat then stupidly touched babys bottles and face without washing hands. can this transmit listeria?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Likely ok: Listeria is killed by pasteurization and cooking and Cold cuts are sprayed with a food additive that helps prevent Listeria before they are packaged . Do not panic and the probabilities are in your favor that nothing happened.Just keep care of your baby and wash hands often.

Answered 4/24/2019



Probably Safe: Possible but unlikely unless there have been reports of listeria in the area, especially in the United States where milk is pasteurized. However, it is still good to clean your hands before touching your baby or baby's bottles. Hand sanitizer is an easier option. While Listeria is rare in the US there are more common infections that a week old infant can get ill from, due to immature immunity.

Answered 2/6/2019



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