A member asked:

Hello, i drink over a gallon of water (not including coffee) a day. i find myself going to the restroom to urinate around 8-13 times a day. i this something i should have checked out? or is it normal due to the amount of water i am drinking? frequent

9 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Ira Friedlander answered

Specializes in Cardiac Electrophysiology

Sounds normal for: the volume of fluids you are ingesting. You could measure your output as well as your input and see if they balance for reassurance. You will have about a quart of insensible losses (sweat, respiration, etc.) so your output should be a little less than your input overall. If the balance is way off then it would be reasonable to get checked out. The question of course is why you drink so much.

Answered 1/28/2019



Some basics: You need to take in enough fluid value from liquids or food to pee at least every 6 hrs. Drink more & you pee more.Your healthy kidneys sort this out. Drink too much & you waste your day in the BR. You can have this checked out, or just drop your intake by a 1-2 cups/day until your kidneys adjust to the change. If you can't reduce intake, you may have diabetes incipidis.

Answered 2/5/2019



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