A member asked:

30 yr old fit male. would urinating 8 -10 times a day be normal if drinking at least 3 - 4 litres of water daily plus 4 cups of coffee? diabeties tested for and negative.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Seems ok: It appears that you are urinating appropriately considering your fluid intake. Caffeine also will stimulate the bladder to empty more often. You could calculate the total of 24hour urine output to be sure that you're urinating normal volume commensurate with fluid intake.

Answered 9/29/2016


Dr. Victor Bonuel answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Yes this is normal.: I'd suggest u cut down on the coffee intake. Excessive caffeibe intake may cause stomach irritation, palpitation and sometimes elevated blood pressure. Best wishes! http://www.m.webmd.com/diet/features/water-for-weight-loss-diet. http://www.healthline.com/health/caffeine-overdose?toptoctest=expand.

Answered 1/16/2014



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