Heel pain: There are approximately 32 causes for severe heel pain. Those causes include heel spur pain syndrome, fracture, achilles tendinitis, rheumatoid arthritis, sickle cell disease, et cetera. Your podiatrist will know the best x-ray or blood test or other studies to perform to accurately diagnose the cause of your heel pain.
Answered 5/8/2014
Fracture or PF.: Could be many things, but the two most likely are either a stress fracture or plantar fasciitis. The best way to know is to get an x-ray of your foot. Another clue is when it hurts: stress fractures are all the time, while pf hurts most with the first few steps in the morning, or after sitting for a long time. See a podiatrist to rule out other possibilities, like a nerve entrapment.
Answered 9/26/2017
Plantar Fasciitis: The most common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis. This is an inflammation or strain of the plantar fascia which is a ligament on the bottom of the foot. Walking without shoes or wearing flats is a known cause of this condition. Running/athletic shoes will often help, as will arch supports. If it persists for more than a week or two, see a doctor who treats feet, such as a Podiatrist.
Answered 1/13/2018
Heel pain: Look up Plantar fascitis. This is the leading cause, but there can be many others. If pain persists you should follow up with a foot specialist.
Answered 9/16/2017
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