A member asked:

I have 4 severely impacted wisdom teeth , they are partially erupted, have a bad smell n hurt everyday can they cause dizziness my body feels like its moving not the room is spinning,i also have severe anxiety can it be the cause or a combo of 2?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Theodore Davantzis answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Impacted Teeth: It appears that those teeth are infected and need to be extracted. Waiting is not going to make things better. Please see an oral surgeon and schedule the extractions.

Answered 9/25/2018



Impacted teeth: Bad smell and pain indicates infection of teeth, bone, and/or gums. Problem will not self-cure, nor is there an OTC that you can purchase in the dental isle at the supermarket that will cure your infection. You must see a specialist Oral Surgeon ASAPas the longer you wait, the more damage will be done, the more the infection will spread.

Answered 1/5/2019



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