A member asked:

I have pain in right clavicle through to my back for a few days, have no injured and no weights, pain gets worse with cough or sneeze. i have to put my arm up when am walking as movement hurts. should i see doctor or will this go away on it's own?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Pinched nerve: If the pain is very sharp,fleeting and radiates with coughing or deep breathing, an impingement of a nerve or muscle that runs between 2 ribs high in the rib cage may be the cause. These tend to resolve on their own. Avoid straining the rib cage. If symptoms persist see your physician. An xray may be recommended.

Answered 5/11/2018


Dr. Rebecca Gliksman answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

R claivcular pain: See a doctor or ER . Check for gallbladder disease, less likely gastritis, . Is it worse with deep breahting, then would also consider blood clot in the lung or pulmonary issue vs liver hematoma. F/u w/ doc today

Answered 1/5/2019



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