A member asked:

I was prescribed ivermectin for roundworm dosage based on weight but for 6 consecutive days! is this too long? i read everywhere that it is given in

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Al Hegab answered

Specializes in Allergy and Immunology

Check with your: doctor, s/he may have a reason for your particular case, the usual is one single dose, best wishes

Answered 4/19/2018


Dr. Charles Turck answered

Specializes in Pharmacology

Dosing unusual: The dosage you are describing is not common or well-described in the drug manufacturer / FDA-approved dosing for roundworm treatment. The only time dosing is regularly given for more than 5 days is for Crusted/Norwegian Scabies. Even then, some of the days are spread out. You’re correct in that it’s typically given as a single dose. I recommend rechecking the dosing with the doctor.

Answered 7/13/2018



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