A member asked:

I just started protonix but don't how long i should be on it. is it safe and are there side effects?

9 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Not enough info: Why was it started? Proton pump inhibitors such as Protonix should be taken for only brief periods. If you have chronic reflux try Zantac or Pepcid first.

Answered 3/27/2018


Dr. John Chiu answered

Complex: The package insert usually limits your use to no more than 2 weeks since symptoms lasting longer may signal a more serious condition requiring medical attention. There is no drug (or food) which is completely safe and there are risks associated with long term use of Protonix or similar drugs. Best to consult your doctor and discuss the risk/benefit ratio if you need this drug on a daily basis.

Answered 3/29/2018



Ask the DR: Safe. You forgot to indicate the reason for it. Duration of use is determined by the diagnosis. Barrett's esophagus? Long term use may be associated with certain problems such as osteoporosis and low B12, pneumonia, C. Diff.

Answered 3/29/2018



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