Was your partner...: Was your sexual partner concomitantly treated for Trichomonas at the same time you were? If not, that may be why it is returning so rapidly if you are re-engaging in sexual activity. Men do not have any symptoms and the organism is re-injected at each subsequent ejaculation. Often, men will be given the Rx. and not take it but tell their partner otherwise.
Answered 6/28/2018
Doxycycline has no effect on trichomonas; it won't help. I agree with Dr. Ingram about making sure your sex partner(s) was/were treated, or no sex with them. If repeat trich has been confirmed after the treatments you had, you might have a resistant strain. The newer drugs tinidazole or secnidazole might help. Best to be in the care of an experienced expert, e.g. a gyn/infection specialist.
Answered 5/27/2023
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